about us

God is the ultimate creative-entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs take risk in hopes of producing something that is profitable. God made the ultimate investment for all humanity. That investment cost him the life of his one and only son. The profit is that mankind would know God as a person; one who faced adversity and rose above the hardships of life. The word Gi is interchangeable with jiujitsu. Jiujitsu is a combat sport that mirrors the battles of life. In correlation to the life of faith. Jiujitsu shares similar disciplines and traits necessary to overcome adversity. It also requires an investment in order to partake of the profit.



 God-and-Gi’s mission is to keep the importance of spiritual fitness at the forefront of physical training. 


1 Timothy 4:8 “physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits both in this life and in the life to come.”